Kiwanis Club of Kearney, now known as Kearney Noon Kiwanis, was chartered in October of 1920. We believe that it was the third in Nebraska. First one in Omaha, second one in Lincoln and will be celebrating it's 100th Anniversary in 2020. Noon Kiwanis is a proud sponsor and supporter of the Salvation Army, Children's Dental Care Program, Kearney Area Children's Museum, Kearney PAWS Program, Habitat for Humanity and many other organizations around the community.
Nebraska-Iowa District Governor Don Fritz was guest of honor at the Kearney Noon Club 100th + 1 Anniversary and Officer Installation Dinner at the Holiday Inn on Monday October 4 2021.
Kearney Noon hosts the Club's annual Golf Tournament at Meadow Lark in July
Charlie Pickens overseas the Annual Coats for Kids Drive at the Buffalo Co. Fairgrounds in October 2024.